
Kahseral, the Slashstriker

Name Kahseral, the Slashstriker
Power 4000
Energy(Color Cost) 1
Combo Energy 0
Combo Power 5000
Status (TCG) Unlimited

When you play this card, look at up to 5 cards from the top of your deck, choose up to 1 yellow Unison Card with a specified cost of 2 or up to 1 yellow 《Universe 11》 card with an energy cost of 4 or less among them, add it to your hand, then shuffle your deck.
When this card is switched to Rest Mode by one of your skills, choose up to 1 of your opponent's Battle Cards with an energy cost of 4 or less and switch it to Rest Mode.


2020-05-29 Expansion Set 12: Universe 11 Unison EX12-06 EX
