
Planet Sadala

Name Planet Sadala
Energy(Color Cost) 2
Status (TCG) Unlimited

(If this card is placed in an Energy Area from any area, it must be placed there in Rest Mode.)
When this card is placed in your Battle Area, choose up to 1 《Universe 6》 card from your hand with an energy cost of 2 or less and play it. If you played a card, draw 1 card.
When this card is placed in a Drop Area from a Battle Area, choose up to 1 of your opponent's energy, switch it to Rest Mode, then look at up to 5 cards from the top of your deck, choose up to 1 《Universe 6》 card with an energy cost of 5 or less among them, add it to your hand, and shuffle your deck.


2019-08-15 Expert Deck: Universe 6 Assailants XD1-09 ST
