
Super Baby 2, Vengeful Rampage

Name Super Baby 2, Vengeful Rampage
Card Type BATTLE
Power 25000
Energy(Color Cost) 5
Combo Energy 1
Combo Power 10000
Status (TCG) Unlimited

: Yellow 〈Baby〉 with an energy cost of 3. (Play this card on top of the specified card.)
(If this card is placed in an Energy Area from any area, it must be placed there in Rest Mode.)
(When you play this card, your opponent may choose 1 card from their life and place it in their Drop Area. If they don't, draw 2 cards.)
When you play this card, choose all of your opponent's Battle Cards ignoring , and for the duration of the turn their skills are negated, and they can't be placed in a Combo Area from your opponent's Battle Area; this card gains for the duration of the turn.


2019-11-29 Starter Deck: Parasitic Overlord SD10-04 ST
