
Vegeta, Deity's Disciple

Name Vegeta, Deity's Disciple
Power 20000
Energy(Color Cost) 3
Combo Energy 0
Combo Power 5000
Status (TCG) Unlimited

, draw 1 card : Yellow {Vegeta} with an energy cost of 2.
When your opponent activates a skill during a battle with this card, you may switch this card to Active Mode. If you do, negate this card's skills for the turn.
When this card is removed from your Battle Area by an opponent's skill, play up to 1 yellow {Son Goku} with an energy cost of 2 from your deck or Drop Area, then shuffle your deck if you looked through it.


2021-01-22 Unison Warrior Series Booster: Vicious Rejuvenation BT12-092 R
