
Zarbon, Frieza's Right-Hand Man

Name Zarbon, Frieza's Right-Hand Man
Power 4000
Energy(Color Cost) 1
Combo Energy 0
Combo Power 5000
Status (TCG) Unlimited

When this card is played, look at up to 5 cards from the top of your deck, add up to 1 green Unison Card with a specified cost of 2 or 1 green 《Frieza's Army》 card with an energy cost of 4 or less among them to your hand, then shuffle your deck.
, if your Leader Card is a green 〈Frieza〉 card, you have a green Unison Card in play, and you send this card from your Drop Area to your Warp : Choose 1 of your Leader Cards or Unison Cards and it gets +10000 power for the battle.


2020-06-05 Starter Deck: Clan Collusion SD13-04 ST
